How to Improve SAM and Key Strategies to Improve SAM [Updated 2024]

Standard Allowed Minutes (SAM) is a critical metric in garment manufacturing, representing the time allocated for a skilled worker to complete a specific task under normal working conditions. Learn How to Improve SAM is essential for enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and boosting overall productivity. In this guide, we’ll explore practical strategies to improve SAM in your manufacturing process.

Why is Improving SAM Important?

Improving SAM has a direct impact on your production efficiency and profitability. Here’s why it matters:

  • Increased Productivity: By optimizing the time it takes to complete tasks, you can produce more units within the same timeframe.
  • Cost Reduction: Improved SAM helps reduce labor costs, making your operations more cost-effective.
  • Better Production Planning: Accurate SAM calculations enable precise planning, leading to smoother operations and timely deliveries.
Flowchart: The Process of Optimizing SAM (Standard Allowed Minutes)

Key Strategies How to reduce SAM

Improving SAM (Standard Allowed Minutes) is about enhancing efficiency, reducing variability, and optimizing processes. Here are some strategies to improve SAM:

1. Process Optimization

  • Streamline Workflow: Analyze the workflow for unnecessary steps and eliminate them. Identify bottlenecks or redundancies that slow down operations and rework the process for smoother flow.
  • Workplace Layout: Optimize the layout of workstations to minimize the time workers spend moving between tasks. The shorter the distance, the less time spent in non-productive movements.

2. Operator Training

  • Skill Development: Provide regular training to improve the skills and speed of operators. Skilled workers are often faster and more accurate, which can lower the SAM.
  • Cross-Training: Train operators in multiple tasks to create flexibility and improve efficiency. This allows them to rotate between tasks based on demand, reducing downtime.

3. Invest in Automation

  • Automated Tools: Invest in machines or automation that can perform repetitive tasks more quickly and with fewer errors than manual labor. Automation reduces manual task times, improving SAM by completing operations faster.
  • Robotic Assistance: In some industries, incorporating robots can lead to highly precise and efficient task completion, reducing SAM.

4. Improve Task Sequencing

  • Task Standardization: Standardize operations to ensure that tasks are performed in the same sequence every time, eliminating variability. This ensures more predictable and faster completion of tasks.
  • Batching Tasks: Group similar tasks together to minimize setup time or changeovers, allowing for faster processing and reducing SAM.

5. Use Better Equipment and Tools

  • Up-to-Date Equipment: Use modern, well-maintained tools and machinery that operate more efficiently. Outdated or faulty equipment can increase task time, negatively impacting SAM.
  • Ergonomic Tools: Equip workers with ergonomically designed tools that reduce strain and allow for faster, more comfortable operation.

6. Performance Monitoring and Feedback

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Implement systems to monitor real-time performance data, helping managers and operators adjust quickly to inefficiencies.
  • Provide Feedback: Regular feedback to operators on their performance can motivate them to improve. Recognizing and rewarding high performers encourages others to increase their efficiency.

7. Time Studies and Continuous Improvement

  • Regular Time-Motion Studies: Continuously monitor and analyze tasks to ensure the time measurements are accurate. Look for changes in task execution that could improve efficiency.
  • Kaizen and Lean Methods: Implement continuous improvement methodologies like Kaizen and Lean manufacturing principles to identify and eliminate waste in processes, ultimately improving SAM.

8. Improve Worker Conditions

  • Fatigue Management: Create schedules that prevent worker fatigue by allowing adequate breaks. Well-rested workers tend to perform more efficiently.
  • Work Environment: Ensure a clean, well-lit, and organized environment. Good working conditions minimize distractions and errors, leading to more efficient task completion.

9. Implement Incentive Programs

Introduce performance-based incentives to motivate workers to meet or exceed SAM targets. Regularly review and adjust these programs based on performance metrics to ensure they remain effective.

Tools and Techniques for Improving SAM

Several tools and techniques can assist in improving SAM:

  • GSD (General Sewing Data): A method used to set standard times for sewing operations.
  • Time-Motion Software: Digital tools that track and analyze the time taken for each task.
  • SAM Calculation Software: Specialized software that calculates SAM based on various factors, helping you identify areas for improvement.


Improving SAM is not just about reducing the time taken for each task; it’s about optimizing your entire production process for maximum efficiency. Improving SAM involves refining the entire production system by focusing on optimizing processes, training operators, leveraging automation, and using better tools. Continuous monitoring and regular updates ensure that the improvements are sustained, contributing to overall efficiency, lower costs, and higher productivity.

Ready to improve your SAM? Begin by performing a work study to pinpoint opportunities for optimizing your production process. Remember, small changes can lead to significant improvements in efficiency and cost savings.


1. How is SAM calculated? SAM is calculated by conducting time-motion studies and using predetermined data to determine the standard time required for a task.

2. What are the benefits of improving SAM? Improving SAM can lead to increased productivity, reduced labor costs, and more accurate production planning.

3. How often should SAM be reviewed? SAM should be reviewed regularly, especially when there are changes in the production process, technology, or workforce.

Explore more on optimizing garment manufacturing at IndustryWeek.

Lean Manufacturing Journal. (Year). Lean Principles in Garment Manufacturing: Reducing SAM for Increased Productivity. Available at

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